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Crucial Ingredient to Running a Successful Small Business: Keeping Up With Technology

Simply put: technology drives businesses. It doesn’t matter if you’re a startup or a Fortune 500 company, businesses use technology everyday in software, computers, security systems, phone systems, networks and so much more. It’s how we communicate, distribute information, drive revenue, interact with customers and solve business problems.

You have to keep abreast of emerging new technology in order to compete in today’s business world.  Here’s some of the latest technology drivers in the marketplace today that are a must know and should be on the radar for all small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and startups:

Mobility At Work
Mobile devices are no longer a luxury… they are a necessity.  Make sure your office is a mobile friendly location not only for your customers but also for employees.  Pursing mobile-friendly business application and technologies allows for increased productivity.

Cloud Technologies
We have all heard about “moving into the cloud” by now and if you don’t know what the “cloud” is…ask Google.  Cloud solutions let your business leverage the strengths of enterprise-grade networks at a fraction of the cost.

With the latest technology developments, in many ways, it’s faster and cheaper to run a business than ever before.  While knowing that technology can benefit your small business, being able to implement the right systems is completely different.  Seeking outside help to assist with the latest technology implementation could possible be the best decision a small business owner can make for the overall health of your business.

Interactive Insurance Agency can make sure your business has the right protection your business needs. Business interruption insurance that includes any data compromise is a must have in todays ever growing technology-based economy.